Down the Cannon is an action-adventure story set in Northfield, MN. Milton Grubbs now leads a band of thieves that robs college students, but he dreams of getting into the big time by robbing the State Bank as citizens celebrate the Defeat of Jesse James Days. This celebration honors the residents who thwarted a bank robbery in 1876. In an effort to find clues as to the identities of the culprits and stop the robberies, city officials enlist the assistance of two cab drivers, Zack Buckler and Bud Odette.
– Gerald Otis, author
“…characters are real and vivid. The author provides enlightening history of the area, the colleges and the original Northfield Bank robbery during the preceding century. The plot is a thrilling page-turner, embellished by the colorful characters and detailed descriptions of the town”
– M. Napoliello, MD author of 189th and Washington